Clearing is a form of remote energy work that is both diagnosis and “treatment”. By connecting to a person’s unique energy body and field, we can scan each known layer and aspect of this field and remove anything that can be considered an infringement- ie a foreign energy that is detracting from overall wellbeing. Removal of lifelong and ancestral entities and disturbances in addition to adding support, resetting cranial rhythms, restoration of field structure and harmony, etc. Each clearing session follows a specific Remote Spirit Release Protocol yet is adapted in the moment to the needs of the individual. In the followup report session, tips for growing awareness and the ability to keep yourself clear as well as the benefits of energetic hygiene are imparted to the client.
What are these infringements and how do they get there?
Our world and experience are made up of many unseen forces that until very recently were acknowledged by most cultures the world over. To put it as simply as possible, we can say that these energies can be divided into those that support life and wellbeing, and those that detract from it. Both types of these energies make up all of life as we know it, and there are ways in which we become more vulnerable to picking up or attracting the not-so-helpful types. The list of ways we end up with infringements in our energy body and field are too numerous to mention, but here are some basic ones: Trauma is the number one, whether experienced or inherited from ancestors. Substance use, including drugs, alcohol, plant medicines without protocol, anesthesia and some pharmaceuticals., sexual contact. Spending a lot of time in “high-traffic” energy locations, such as bars, clubs, cemeteries, and sacred sites without proper protocol. Spiritual practices without sufficient guidance or safety protocol, such as ceremonies and other ways of “opening to Spirit.”
Why do we want to get rid of them and how will I know if it worked?
Energies that are not our own and detract from overall wellbeing can cause any number of undesirable outcomes, ranging from mild confusion and brain fog, to symptoms of depression and anxiety, night terrors and sleep disturbances, physical pain, looping negative thoughts, extreme resistance, substance abuse, suicidal thoughts, dissociation, and general feelings of malaise, just to name a few. Clearings can rid the energy body and field of many types of infringements and create more ease in the body and mind, yet it is also important to take responsibility for your own energetic hygiene if you wish to remain clear. Imagine if no one had ever taught you oral hygiene and you had never done anything to care for your teeth. Getting a clearing is like having all of your cavities filled and maybe even a root canal (except not painful!), but then it is also your responsibility and choice to start brushing and flossing every day. Results from a clearing can range from very dramatic (like depression suddenly lifting) to more subtle, like sleeping better and noticing that your mind is quieter and you feel more at peace. Depending on your own system and how long an infringement has been affecting you, it can take anywhere from minutes to up to a couple of weeks to fully feel the effects of a clearing process. Deep ancestral infringements may also take more dedicated ancestral trauma healing in order to update your system to recognizing that you are now free of that disruption in your field.
You will know if it worked if you in general feel clearer. This looks different for everyone but most people experience at the very least, a feeling of a bit more “breathing room” in their own energetic field. Clear means free of suffering, be it mental, physical, or spiritual. If you have lived a lifetime with a lot of extra gunk in your field, the feeling of being “clear” can be quite unfamiliar. It can help to pay attention to the subtle shifts and celebrate even the smallest of gains, to know that you are making progress!